Team Capital Bank

Mortgage Loan Rates

for October 20, 2011

Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Rates are effective as of date shown above and are subject to change at any time due to changes in the mortgage market. Interest rates may also adjust according to credit and property approval based on secondary market guidelines. The rates fees and terms of credit stated are based on the Bank's normal underwriting standards. Your application may differ based on your credit history. The rates shown are based on a loan amount of $200,000 with an estimated property value of $250,000 (20% down) for customers with a good credit history. Homeowners insurance is required.

Adjustable versus Table Rate Mortgages (ARMs): Interest rate is fixed for a set period of time and adjusts periodically thereafter. At the end of the fixed rate period, the interst and monthly payments make increase.

Member FDIC Equal Housing Lender