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We understand that when it comes to your personal finances, conducting
your banking in a safe, secure environment is essential. Whether you are
visiting us in person, utilizing TeleBank or conducting a transaction at one
of our ATMs, you can rest assured that Team Capital Bank utilizes
state-of-the-art technology to protect your interests. More importantly, we
continuously evaluate new technologies and procedures to ensure that your
protection continues without interruption. That commitment extends to our
Online Banking and Bill Pay services.
About Our Online Banking Service
Banking via the internet is an established practice in today's society, and
the systems available are designed and continuously tested to protect your
interests. Our Online Banking solution brings together a combination of
industry-approved security technologies to protect bank and customer data.
Team Capital Bank requires that you use a browser that supports 128-bit
encryption, providing the most powerful method of scrambling information
Also remember that government agencies routinely audit our institution to
ensure that sound business practices are in place and that we operate in
accordance with state and federal laws.
Only specific browsers provide the right environment for security.
Keeping Your Information Secure: Some Helpful Hints
- Do not use an obvious number or other accessible information (such
as a portion of your phone number) for your Online Banking ID or
Personal Identification Number (PIN).
- Do not log onto Online Banking when someone else is watching.
- Avoid Online Banking and Bill Pay when you are using a computer that
is not your own.
- If others have access to your computer, clear the browser's cache to
eliminate copies of web pages that may be stored on your hard drive.
- Avoid writing down your log-in ID and PIN - try to memorize them.
- Never provide your log-in ID and PIN to anyone.
- Report any unusual activity.
- Never leave your computer unattended when you are logged on.
- Always log out of the system.
Protecting Against Identity Theft
FDIC PRESENTS: Don�t be an Online Victim: How to Guard Against
Internet Thieves & Electronic Scams
Identity thieves often attempt to steal personal information (such as credit
card numbers, bank account information, Social Security numbers and
passwords) by sending official-looking, but fraudulent e-mails or pop-up
Phishers typically send a message, claiming to be from a business or
organization with which you are associated. For example, the e-mail may
purport to be from your Internet service provider (ISP), bank, online
payment service, or even a government agency. The message usually says that
you need to "update" or "validate" your account information, and threaten
some consequence if you don't respond. The message usually contains a link
to what appears to be a legitimate web site, but is in fact a bogus site
created to STEAL your identity and account information.
Web spoofing allows an attacker to create a �shadow copy� of any legitimate
website. Access to the shadow web site is funneled through the attacker�s
computer, allowing the attacker to monitor all of the victim�s activities,
including any passwords or account numbers the victim enters. The attacker
can also cause false or misleading data to be sent to web servers in the
victim�s name, or to the victim in the name of any web server.
In spoofing, an attacker gains unauthorized access to a computer or a
network by making it appear that a malicious message has come from a trusted
machine by �spoofing� the address of that machine. Phishing and spoofing
often go hand-in hand in Internet fraud.
How to Protect Yourself
- Be wary of unsolicited or unexpected emails from all sources.
- If an unsolicited email arrives, be cautious about opening any
attachment or downloading any files from e-mails you receive, regardless
of who sent them.
- If you receive an email that warns you, with little or no notice,
that your account will be shut down unless you reconfirm certain
information, do not click on the email link. Instead, use a phone to
contact the business or organization yourself. Clicking on a link that
looks legitimate may in fact direct you to a fraudulent website where
crooks will steal your personal information. Remember, a legitimate
business or government agency will never send you an e-mail asking you
to disclose your personal information.
- Before submitting any financial information to a legitimate website,
look for the �lock� icon on the browser status bar, or look for �https�
in the web address. Both are indications that the information is secure
and encrypted during transmission.
- Review credit card and bank account statements as soon as you
receive them to determine whether there are any unauthorized charges. If
your statement is late by more than a couple of days, call your credit
card company or bank to confirm your billing address and account
- Make sure your unused checks, bills, credit/debit card receipts,
�pre-qualified� credit card solicitations you receive in the mail and
statements are shredded before discarding.
- Use Anti-Virus Software and keep it up to date. Some phishing emails
contain software that can harm your computer or track your activities on
the Internet without your knowledge. Anti-virus software and a firewall
can protect you from inadvertently accepting such unwanted files.
Anti-virus software scans incoming communications for troublesome files.
Look for anti-virus software that recognizes current viruses as well as
older ones; that can effectively reverse the damage; and that updates
- A firewall helps make you invisible on the Internet and blocks all
communications from unauthorized sources. It�s especially important to
run a firewall if you have a broadband connection. Finally, your
operating system (like Windows or Linux) may offer free software
�patches� to close holes in the system that hackers or phishers could
- Report suspicious activity to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Consumer Response Center (www.ftc.gov).
- You can file a complaint with the FTC against a company or
organization that you believe has cheated you by contacting the Consumer
Response Center by phone: toll free 877-FTCHELP (382-4357).
Lastly, please remember: Team Capital Bank will NEVER e-mail or call you
with a request to provide account information, log-in ID, password, Social
Security number or other confidential, personal information.
What to do if you fall victim:
- Contact Team Capital Bank immediately to alert us of the situation.
- Contact one of the three major credit bureaus to discuss whether you
need to place a fraud alert on your file. This will help to prevent thieves
from opening a new account in your name. Here is the contact information for
each bureau�s fraud division:
PO Box 740250
Atlanta, GA 30374
PO Box 1017
Allen, TX 75013
PO Box 6790
Fullerton, CA 92634
- Report all suspicious contacts to the Federal Trade Commission at
www.consumer.gov/idtheft or by calling1-877-IDTHEFT.